March 15, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Angela Bond, Murdoch Clarke Lawyers

Angela joined Murdoch Clarke Lawyers as an Associate in October 2016. Angela has eleven years’ experience in the areas of general civil and commercial litigation.  Angela now practises within Murdoch Clarke’s commercial litigation team, and is available to assist clients in relation to:

  • disputes of a commercial, contractual, or landlord/tenant nature – both prior to and after the commencement of proceedings;
  • estate litigation;
  • general civil disputes;
  • debt recovery – including personal and corporate insolvency;
  • building and construction disputes; and
  • securities enforcement and proceedings relating to mortgage default.

Angela regularly appears in complex matters before the Supreme Court of Tasmania (including the appellate jurisdiction of that Court) and the Federal Court of Australia.  She also has experience with the conduct of matters before the various boards, tribunals and commissions which operate within Tasmania.

Angela is well regarded for her ability to provide clients with clear advice which is tailored to suit their circumstances.  She comes from a rural background, and is able to identify and progress the needs of everyday people.  She also has extensive experience in assisting informed clients, including businesses and solicitors from other jurisdictions.

(03) 6235 9363
10 Victoria Street
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