March 13, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Ann Northcote, Farrar Gesini Dunn

Ann has been with the firm since its opening in 1995 and became a director in 2000.  Ann runs a busy and diverse case load but her degree in Economics means she is particularly good at complex financial cases.  She is a master of defined benefit and Commonwealth superannuation schemes and also understands the complexities of self managed superannuation (which is rare, we assure you).  Ann has also run a number of parenting cases including relocation cases and cases on appeal with successful outcomes for her clients.

Ann is an active volunteer in the community.  She sits on the board of Marymead, is co-chair of the Family Law Pathways Network and is on the executive of Majura Football Club.

Ann’s clients say she is empathetic and understanding.  She is known for her clever strategies and ridiculously accurate memory.  We love Ann for lots of reasons including because she’s excellent with detail.  That’s why she handles all the firm’s corporate compliance and similar technical stuff.  If you’re a ‘particulars’ person then you’ll love Ann’s attention to detail (and if you’re not then you probably need her to look after the detail for you…)

real person

Ann spends most of her time away from work ferrying her children to all their activities so has a large iTunes collection for listening to in the car and has discovered reading iBooks is great while stuck in the car waiting for her children. She is a key member of any trivia team and keeps up to date with current affairs.

02 6115 9000
Level 1, 10 Rudd Street
Canberra ACT 2601
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