Brooke is the Company's chairperson and has been with the firm since December 2000. She became a Partner in July 2008 and was appointed as a Director of the Company on 1 October 2012.
Brooke has worked in the Insurance Team since 2000 and has extensive experience in the areas of employment and statutory litigation, Work Claims, S151Z and defence litigation. She has acted for Insurers in many complex cases in the District Court of NSW and Supreme Court of NSW and has provided training on various issues to Insurers and Government Agencies. Brooke is readily available to provide sessional in-house advice as clients require.
Brooke has acted for Insurers in numerous complex litigation claims, including at Appellate level. She has acted for Agencies and Insurers in relation to standard and complex litigated and non litigated claims, including advising on issues such as jurisdictional issues relating to the law in New South Wales and Queensland, the lead agent provisions and the implications of a De-merger Deed.
160 Sussex Street
Sydney NSW 2000