February 23, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Broun Abrahams Burreket

Broun Abrahams Burreket

We help you by providing the advice you need to make the right decisions at the right time. The issues you face when you separate are complex - not only because you have to do things you have not done before, but at the same time as trying to do them in the midst of huge emotional upheaval.

Today, there are various ways in which we can help you resolve the issues arising out of your separation. Some - like Collaborative Practice are new. Others, such as written or oral negotiations, have been around for a long time.

Each is very different, ranging from the costly and complex process of going to Court, to the simple but sometimes equally confronting process of sitting down by yourself with your former partner. We are trained in all of them and can assist you in whatever combination you wish to use to resolve your matter.

However, you need to have at hand the advice required at each and every stage of the process - not the least when you decide which process of resolution (or combination of processes) will work best for you. Should you try and sort it out initially one-on-one with your former spouse? If you did, would you know what to ask for? Will you feel better in that process knowing that, if that fails, you are aware of what the next step will be, so there are fewer surprises along the way?

+ 61 02 8268 8700
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66 Goulburn Street
Sydney NSW 2000
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New South Wales

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