March 11, 2025
Doyle's Guide

David Jenkin, Howe Jenkin

David Jenkin, Howe Jenkin

David is a former senior partner and managing partner of one of Adelaide’s premier commercial law firms and has over 33 years experience as a family lawyer and commercial litigation law specialist.

For the past 20 years he has also had a practice in mediation and is one of this SA’s best known mediators.

He is a nationally accredited mediator and has conducted over 300 mediations primarily involving disputes over family law property settlement entitlements but also in wide ranging areas from a dispute involving a university and one of its faculties to employee and employer disputes, franchisee/ franchisor and partnership disputes. He was a sessional mediator at what is now known as Relationships Australia for 6 years.

Because of his wide experience in commercial disputes David is known for his expertise in advising on the more complex commercial issues in family law property settlement disputes such as interests in trusts and companies and taxation aspects and for his expertise in drafting and advising on Financial Agreements –  an area fraught with danger for the inexperienced.

David is a former national director of LEADR.

He was the Vice Chair of the organising committee for the last national Family Law Conference held in Adelaide

He is a current member of the:

  • LEADR Advanced mediator panel
  • Law Society of SA mediation panel
  • SA Civil Courts panel of mediators
  • Office of Franchising Mediation Advisor panel
  • Family Law Section of Law Council of Australia
  • Law Society of SA ADR Committee

In 2015, 2016 and 2017, our firm was rated by Doyle’s Guide in the highest ranked family law firms in South Australia, and David was ranked as one of only five “pre-eminent” family lawyers in the state (Greg Howe being one of the others).

(+61) 8 8232 8422
Level 9
111 Gawler Place
Adelaide, SA, 5000
Contact Email
South Australia

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