March 15, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Dexter Marcenko, Ogilvie Jennings

Dexter Marcenko graduated from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Business & Laws with Honours. He commenced practice in Launceston after serving a year as an Associate to a Supreme Court Judge,

He came to Ogilvie Jennings with experience practising a wide variety of litigation. Today he maintains a diverse practice with a particular focus on commercial litigation, contested estates and criminal defence.

Dexter has a passion for legal reasoning and advocacy. He has successfully appeared unassisted in Supreme Court trials and hearings. He also enjoys success in the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction, including before the Full Court.

Dexter can be found most mornings in the Magistrates Court where he routinely represents clients at hearings in the Court’s civil, criminal, coronial and administrate appeals division. He also appears in Tasmania’s various quasi-judicial tribunals and occasionally in the Federal Courts. Dexter accepts briefs from other firms to conduct hearings on behalf of their clients.

Dexter is mindful of representing his clients in a competent yet cost-effective manner. Unlike some solicitors, he does not brief out his substantive court appearances to barristers. Rather he personally represents each of his cleitns through every stage of their court proceedings. His clients are thereby able to avoid an unnecessary duplication of costs.

(03) 6235 0800
39 Murray Street, Hobart TAS
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