March 9, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Ellen Tarasenko, Polis Legal

Ellen Tarasenko, Polis Legal

Ellen Tarasenko is a leading planning and environment lawyer with experience spanning both front-end and back-end matters across a range of industries including urban renewal and redevelopment schemes, precinct master planning, mixed-use and commercial developments and renewable energy projects.

She specialises in developing strategies for gaining necessary approvals across a wide range of projects, as well as managing approvals processes and developing implementation strategies post-approval. Ellen has extensive experience acting for developers and landholder clients in cases before VCAT and Planning Panels Victoria concerning contentious permit approvals, compliance matters and planning scheme amendments for residential, commercial, energy and industrial developments.

She advises extensively on compliance with planning, environment and heritage laws, preparing planning and development agreements and conducting significant planning, environmental and heritage due diligence and risk assessments.

She established Polis Legal in 2022. 

Melbourne, Victoria
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