March 4, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Frances Edwards, Edwards Family Lawyers

Frances Edwards, Edwards Family Lawyers

Frances Edwards, holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws. Frances is one of Sydney’s most senior, experienced and respected Family Law practitioners. Frances has been a Law Society of NSW Accredited Family Law Specialist for over 20 years and is a member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. Frances was admitted to practice in 1985; Practicing since 1986 and has practised exclusively in Family Law for over 30 years. Prior to establishing Edwards Family Lawyers, Frances was a partner of a specialist Family Law Firm in the Sydney CBD for over 12 years.

Frances has specialised knowledge and experience in all aspects of Family Law matters including separation and divorce, property settlement, finalisation of Family Law settlements including consent orders and financial agreements, de facto relationships and de facto relationship agreements, parenting issues and arrangements for children, child support, child abduction, domestic violence matters and spouse maintenance.

Frances has extensive experience in complex financial matters involving family trusts, corporate structures, and valuations, and has acted in numerous reported decisions, most notably a leading case involving the valuation of professional practices.

Frances has acted in many large-scale disputes involving high net worth and high profile business clients.

Frances has extensive experience in parenting disputes having acted not only for mothers and fathers, but also for child(ren), as Frances was previously on the panel of lawyers appointed to act for children as the Independent Children’s Lawyer in Court disputes. By acting directly on behalf of children, this experience has enriched Frances’ insight into the needs of children and the impact of their parents’ separation on them.

Frances has had significant experience as an advocate in the Family Law Courts, however, Frances’ focus is always on resolution of the dispute, no matter how simple or complex the dispute may be.

Frances’ experience has allowed her to develop strong relationships with financial advisors who are able to assist her Family Law clients in providing expert financial advice if appropriate in their matter. Frances is often referred work from accountants, financial advisers and from other solicitors, mediators and barristers.

In 2015 and 2017, Frances was recommended in the Doyles Guide as one of the Leading Family and Divorce Lawyers in NSW.

+61 2 8920 3422
Suite 10-02, 65 Berry Street North Sydney, NSW 2060
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New South Wales

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