Franco is a Senior Associate solicitor, primarily practising estate planning, estate administration and estate litigation at Northside Family Law Centre. Prior to joining Northside Family Law Centre, Franco was a senior lawyer in a boutique CBD firm practising family, succession and commercial law.
Franco holds a:
- Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology;
- Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours;
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice; and
- Master of Laws,
and is presently undertaking a Master of Laws (Applied Law) at the College of Law in the areas of Wills and Estates and Estate Planning.
Franco is client-focused, bilingual (English and Italian) and approaches his practice in a practical and pragmatic manner which his clients readily appreciate.
If you require assistance in any of the above areas and whether or not you have a family law matter also in the mix, do not hesitate to reach out to Franco for a free, no obligation 20-minute telephone consultation to discuss your needs.