February 17, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Jag MacDonald, MacDonald Law

Jag MacDonald, MacDonald Law

I am currently a solicitor in the employ of MacDonald Law. I work out of both the Toowoomba and Brisbane Offices. 

As a solicitor I undertake work in a vast range of practice areas, from criminal law, civil litigation and corporate restructure to family law, I practice in these areas on a daily basis.

I am an accredited Duty Lawyer, and I appear on approximately 30 criminal matters a week. I have completed numerous criminal trials, and am experienced in the leading of evidence, cross-examination, pre-trial arguments, and voir dire. I have appeared and instructed in all manner of serious crime from drug trafficking to murder.

With respect to civil law, I have at any given time 30-40 litigated civil files under my care. I have instructed counsel and conducted pre-trial arguments and trials in the civil jurisdiction. I have appeared and argued in the Supreme Court in the applications list and I am experienced in a wide range of litigation from constructive trusts to commercial leasing disputes.

(07) 3114 2222
Brisbane, Toowoomba
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