March 12, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Jennifer Hirst, Adelaide Family Lawyers

Jennifer is an experienced family lawyer with considerable knowledge of the processes involved in family law and also in a range of other fields. Jennifer has completed the LEADR mediation course and has attended many mediations at the Legal Services Commission for clients, leading to parental agreements and/or consent Minutes of Order which have been filed in the Federal Circuit Court as final orders.

Jennifer’s experience also incorporates a background in tenancy law, consumer law, tax law (including self-managed superannuation funds) and child support. Jennifer’s past work history includes working at the Child Support Agency for five years and also at the Tenancy Advice Branch for over three years, providing advice to both tenants and landlords, resolving disputes and referring matters to the relevant Tribunal.

(08) 8227 0519
Suite 2/75a Angas Street,
Adelaide SA 5000
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South Australia

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