As an experienced family law practitioner I have been practicing as a solicitor in family law for over 27 years. Prior to entering practice I tutored and subsequently lectured in family law at Sydney University for nine years. I am one of the first accredited specialists in family law in New South Wales and I am also a qualified family law arbitrator and mediator.
I am also the co-author of ‘When It’s Over: A Guide to Separation and Divorce’ and is the co-author (with Ian Serisier) of Volume 4 of Australian Family Law, published by LexisNexis.
I have regularly presented seminars to practicing family lawyers at the College of Law, Legalwise, State Legal Conference and CCH. I have has also given evidence as an expert in family law in proceedings before tribunals and civil courts.
My experience also extends to siting on the board of the Independent Children’s Representatives for nine years. This allowed me to represent children in difficult parenting cases, where either one or both of the parties were self-represented and/or there were allegations of sexual abuse.