March 15, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Michael Bellingham, Jack Rigg Solicitors

Michael Bellingham is an accredited Criminal Law Specialist and has practiced law in most jurisdictions, including the Local Court, the Children’s Court, the District Court, the Family Court, the Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeal as well as a number of Tribunals including the Migration Review Tribunal, NCAT and the AAT. In addition he has extensive knowledge of the proceedings in the Crime Commission both State and Commonwealth

Michael Bellingham has been appointed to the General Criminal, Serious Criminal and Indictable Panels of Legal Aid. His expertise encompasses a wide range of legal matters which include Minor and Serious Traffic Offences, AVOs and ADVOs (private and police),  drug charges ranging from possession of a small quantity to importing and distribution of drugs on a large commercial scale, allegations of Sexual Misconduct, Assaults, Fraud, Murder and Manslaughter. Mr Bellingham appears regularly on both Local and Supreme Court bail applications, Committal Hearings, District Court Appeals and both long and short trials.

Other areas of expertise include Family Law, Defacto Relationships, Parenting Disputes, Civil Proceedings and provides Immigration advice for both Tribunal matters and your rights when your Visa or Residency is cancelled by the Minister.

Michael Bellingham also holds Maritime qualifications including Masters and Engineering certificates and a Yachtmasters Instructors certificate. Before becoming a Lawyer he held the position of Captain on many vessels around Australia including Luxury Cruises, Charter Yachts and the HMS Bounty. He has a strong connection with all things Maritime and has been awarded the Ocean Navigator Trophy on three occasions by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. He was a member of the Winning Crew in the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race in 2011 on the Yacht Loki.

Michael Bellingham is a highly experienced Lawyer and can provide clients with advice that not only incorporates a complex understanding of law and procedure but also utilises practical and cost effective solutions to any legal problem. Michael intuitively and swiftly comprehends the core of a complex legal matter and is able to advise on the avenues for resolving any legal difficulty.

02 9281 8111
34/301 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Contact Email
New South Wales

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