March 7, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Michael Lamproglou, Bartier Perry

Michael Lamproglou, Bartier Perry

Michael has over 20 years’ experience in workers compensation. He has a particular interest in the pursuit of workers compensation recoveries, the defence of work injury damages claims and dual insurance/insurance contribution claims. 

He acts and advises icare, its agents, self-insurers, NSW government departments and employers in NSW across a wide range of workers compensation related issues. He has also defended commonwealth workers compensation claims under the Comcare scheme.

Michael has recovered millions of dollars for his clients, whilst at the same time paving the way for these recoveries to become common place in all workers compensation setups across NSW.

He has been involved in a number of leading decisions that have been influential in the pursuit of section 151Z recovery claims.

Despite shaping the case law in the area, Michael is best known for adopting a cost effective approach to recoveries without the need to resort to litigation and has run many projects with this in mind.


  • Bachelor of Commerce (Economics & Finance) (WSU)

  • Bachelor of Laws (WSU)

  • NSW Law Society

 A word from Michael 

“Focusing on pursuing recovery claims, and the defence of employer negligence claims, allows me to work closely with employers to understand their business. We collaborate to identify trends and issues within their business, and then focus on them to not only assist with the claims I am managing; but overall to minimise the risk of injury in the workplace”

Career highlights

  • Running two industry wide recovery projects for icare/WorkCover NSW to recover millions of dollars for employers and the scheme as a whole.

  • Establishing the ability to use the “blameless motor accident” provisions of the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 (NSW) in recovery claims for employers.

  • Pioneering the use of “mental harm” recovery claims for first responders in NSW.

Specific areas of focus

  • Identifying and resolving workplace issues particularly around systems of work and the integration of third party labour/systems, both on and off site.

  • Running recovery projects for employer clients to recoup millions of dollars in premiums.

  • Defending claims in the Workers Compensation Commission, District Court, Supreme Court and NSW Court of Appeal.

  • Assisting employers to manage their damages (WID) portfolios by considering all third party liabilities/recovery scenarios.

+61 2 8181 7800
Level 10
77 Castlereagh St
Sydney NSW 2000
Contact Email
New South Wales

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