February 9, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Nicky Grummit, Director, Grevillea Law

Hi! I’m Nicky Grummitt

I help #radbossladies get their wills done for peace of mind.

It is my goal to leave a legacy of legacies.

There are so many amazing businesses in Australia.  All you need to do is scroll @businesschicks or @ladystartup and it’s clear #whorunstheworld!

Yet in Australia every second person doesn’t have a will.  Crazy right? 

All these amazing business owners building incredibly valuable and impactful businesses, only to have them evaporate the minute they die or lose capacity (accident, disease, poor mental health).

I understand.  Deciding who takes control of your business baby is hard.  Picking guardians for your children is hard.  You don’t need to do this alone.  I help you work through these tough decisions as part of your will making journey.

Making the hard decisions is what separates the good businesses from the great.

Death is one of life’s great certainties.  It’s a sure thing and it’s shattering.  Managing risk is key to the survival and success of any business.  You need to do the work and build your in case of emergency plan.

With me, what you see is what you get. No mystery. Straight forward answers. Clear fees and communication.

Obsessed with all things business, podcasts & regional Australia, I’m a business co-owner (G.Law & G-Fence), wife, mother and avid beginner gardener.  My thumb is slowing turning green.

Six years ago I dived into business with my husband Ed.  Ed drove the first post for G-Fence in 2014 and my G.Law baby was born in 2018.  There have been ups and downs.  It’s the hard times that have driven us to innovate and improve our business foundations.  I love what we do.

I believe regional Australia is a precious, untapped resource. 

My home Goondiwindi is the greatest place to live.  It is incredible to feel part of a larger community.  We know our neighbours both at home, and work.  As a #solopreneur I am supported by our local business community.  Resilience and innovation is off the chart. 

Without a doubt, the best things I’ve done in my life are committing to Ed, having our two little monkeys, climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, starting G.Law & G-Fence and moving to Goondiwindi. 

My happiest days are spent meeting people, hearing their stories and helping them make tough decisions.  That, or in my garden, with the sun on my face and our monkeys playing together, their laughter tinkling in my ears.

Thanks for taking the time.  If you are a #radbosslady who is ready to leave a legacy give me call.

0418 758 311
Goondiwindi Queensland
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