February 7, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Parke Lawyers

Parke Lawyers

Parke Lawyers offer legal services all over Melbourne and Victoria, and interstate for certain matters. We service a range of clients including private individuals, small businesses, large corporations and even local governments. 

Our expert family lawyers are some of Melbourne’s most accomplished, offering an approach that is considered, understanding and effective. Whether you are seeking advice about your relationship, a new relationship, children’s issues or financial issues, our experienced family lawyers at Parke Lawyers can provide you with practical advice and strategies.

The breakdown of a relationship or marriage is a stressful and traumatic event. If you decide to separate, you and your partner will need to make various important decisions about your children and property. Practical, considered, legal advice is essential.

The team of dedicated family lawyers at Parke Lawyers understands that every dollar counts. You will be given realistic estimates of likely costs at every stage of proceedings and the opportunity, if you wish, to engage us on a fixed-fee basis. We can also discuss flexible payment arrangements.

What is included in Family Law?

Family law has become increasingly complex and the expert family law team at Parke Lawyers make it their business to remain up to date with the latest case law and amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 and other relevant legislation.

Our divorce lawyers in Melbourne have sound knowledge and experience, providing high quality advice and representation in all aspects of family law including separation and divorce, property settlements, parenting arrangements, child support and pre­-nuptial agreements.

If an agreement is not possible, we provide you with strong, experienced representation in court.  Our clients have the option of a more flexible and cost-effective approach to their family law proceedings. We represent our clients both in and out of court and reduce our reliance on the services of external barristers.

Where clients choose to engage external counsel, our experience allows us to select the most suitable barristers Queen’s Counsel to work efficiently and collaboratively with them to protect the interests of our clients. Our top family lawyers have the flexibility to allow clients to avoid the cost of engaging both a solicitor and a barrister where only one lawyer is needed in the vast majority of matters, or to assemble a highly experienced legal team where clients elect to do so, sets Parke Lawyers apart from many other family law practices.

Our family law specialists have extensive expertise in child protection, commercial and general litigation, coronial, criminal law, employment law, regulatory and disciplinary proceedings which ensure that the approach taken in clients’ family law and intervention order matters considers the broader personal and financial impacts of a family law case.

Parke Lawyers also has nationally accredited mediators who can assist clients to identify and create value in the resolution of their dispute and to take a well-informed and pragmatic approach to associated proceedings, such as disputes regarding evidence and or applications relating to the enforcement or contravention of court orders.

We offer family lawyers in Melbourne eastern suburbs with offices based in Ringwood and Kew, as well as the CBD and surrounding areas.

134 134
281 Maroondah Hwy
Ringwood VIC
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