March 16, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Phillip Briffa, PB Ritz Lawyers

Phillip Briffa, PB Ritz Lawyers

My name is Phillip Briffa.

About me

I specialise in drafting wills, providing probate advice, and acting for plaintiffs and defendants in will disputes.

I am considered by my peers to be a leading lawyer in estate planning and will disputes in NSW.

I receive much of my work as referrals from other lawyers and the Law Society of NSW.

My office is based in the CBD of Sydney on the corner of Martin Place and Pitt Street, but I represent clients who live Australia-wide and overseas.

About my firm

I founded PB Ritz Lawyers in 2013 to offer first-rate expertise and exceptional service in all facets of Wills & Estates law.

PB Ritz has since grown to become one of NSW’s leading Wills & Estates law firms.

In 2019, PB Ritz was named a ‘Leading Wills & Estates Litigation Law Firm’ in NSW in the prestigious Doyles’ guide.

In 2019, 2020, and 2021, PB Ritz was awarded the ‘Best Wills & Estates Law firm’ in NSW in the Australian Enterprise Awards by APAC Insider.

In 2021, PB Ritz was awarded ‘Most Client-Focused Wills & Estates Law Firm’ in NSW in the 2021 Global Business Awards by Corp Today.

For excellence in Wills & Estates advice look no further than PB Ritz.

For more information, check out our website,

02 8959 5436
Suite 50, Level 10,
88 Pitt Street, Sydney
NSW 2000
Contact Email
New South Wales

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