Through experience, Ross Hill has Garnered Real Respect from the Bench & Crown Authorities for Conducting Serious Court Business in a Hard, Competent & Effective Manner without Time Wasting. This Affords us the Unique Flexibility to Strategically Position Your Defence and Limit the Crown Case Against You at all Critical Interlocutory Steps Throughout the System.
In 2005 Ross Commenced a Foray into South East Asia and the Middle East Consulting on Criminal Cases, Successfully Extracting Australian & Other Foreign Nationals Arrested, Charged and Incarcerated Overseas. In 2008 Ross Established a Legal Consultancy Firm in South East Asia Advising High-Level Syndicates on Lawful Strategy, Leading Local Counsel on Evidence Gathering/Analysis, Case Presentation, Negotiation & Cross-Examination Techniques and the Successful Harnessing of the Media.
Sydney NSW Australia 2000