Tyson has a down to earth, straightforward approach to life and the law, which is well received by all who meet him. Tyson communicates with clients in an open and matter-of-fact way, having spent 15 years prior to his legal career in hospitality. As a Licensee/Manager of some of Sydney’s best-known hospitality venues, Tyson was regularly involved with police, security, licensing and city liquor accords, giving him a deep understanding of the issues related to alcohol, drugs, violence.
Tyson has extensive experience in mental health applications in both NSW and Commonwealth jurisdictions, and a track record of successful applications. He has also lectured at hundreds traffic offender courses, volunteering his time as the legal component presenter.
During his study, Tyson interned as the associate to a judge of the District Court of NSW. In that role, he experienced advocacy and criminal law from a unique perspective, gaining invaluable insight into a judge’s expectations.