Market Overview As one of Australia’s more active property markets at present the NSW property legal market has fared better than many other states however...
 The 2014 NSW Property Law Pricing Report details market factors, trends and other matters relevant to the pricing of legal services as well as recorded...
First Tier Clayton Utz Corrs Chambers Westgarth Herbert Smith Freehills King & Wood Mallesons Second Tier Allens Baker & McKenzie Henry Davis York Minter...
This listing details leading lawyers practising within the areas of commercial, industrial, retail and residential property matters in the New South Wales legal market. It...
Outside of a few clear standouts the state’s solicitors lamented a lack of depth and choice within the NSW construction bar. This feature has led...
Market Overview New South Wales sits as perhaps the most active and vibrant construction legal market of all Australian states. The state is fortunate in...
First Tier Clayton Utz Second Tier Allens Addisons Lawyers Baker & McKenzie Corrs Chambers Westgarth Henry Davis York Herbert Smith Freehills Minter Ellison Third Tier...
The 2014 listing of leading New South Wales construction barristers details Senior and Junior Counsel practising within the areas of contentious and non-contentious construction matters...
First Tier Clayton Utz King & Wood Mallesons Minter Ellison Second Tier Allens Ashurst CBP Lawyers Corrs Chambers Westgarth Norton Rose Fulbright Third Tier...
This 2014 listing of Leading New South Wales Construction Lawyers details lawyers practising within the areas of both contentious and non-contentious construction and infrastructure matters...