The 2023 listing of leading New South Wales Defendant CTP & Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Lawyers details solicitors practising in motor vehicle accident related insurance matters in the NSW legal market who have been identified by clients and peers for their expertise and abilities in the area.
Alwyn Gillis, Moray & Agnew
Peter Hunt, McCabes
Daniel Stoddart, Hall & Wilcox
Frances Allen, Moray & Agnew
Karen Bulluss, McInnes Wilson
John Cooper, Moray & Agnew
Grant Galvin, Hall & Wilcox
Andrew Gorman, Meridian Lawyers
Simon Morgan, Hall & Wilcox
John Renshaw, McInnes Wilson
Renee Sadler, Sparke Helmore
Judith Waldock, Moray & Agnew
Nikki Casar, Mills Oakley
Tim Ceballos, McInnes Wilson
Vid Dragomirovic, Meridian Lawyers
Ian Jones, Sparke Helmore
Jeff Kelly, Moray & Agnew
Wendy MacDonnell, Holman Webb
Mark Malley, Moray & Agnew
Kirilee Kennedy, Hall & Wilcox
Nathan Morehead, Moray & Agnew
Henry Silvester, Barry Nilsson