The 2021 listing of leading Brisbane Family & Divorce Lawyers details solicitors practising within the areas of family law, matrimonial, parenting, property and spousal maintenance matters in the Queensland legal market who have been identified by their peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.
Tony Phillips, Phillips Family Law
Geoff Sinclair, Barry.Nilsson.
Geoff Wilson, HopgoodGanim
Fiona Caulley, Phillips Family Law
Genevieve Dee, Lander & Rogers
Damien Greer, Damien Greer Lawyers
Ross Hirst, Hirst & Co
Margie Kruger, Ryan Kruger
Kieran McCarthy, Naughton McCarthy
Alexandra Moles, Mills Oakley
Rachael Murray, Mills Oakley
Alison Ross, HopgoodGanim
Deano Simonidis, Simonidis Steel
James Steel, Barry.Nilsson
Scott Wedgwood, Barry.Nilsson.
Freda Wigan, HopgoodGanim
Donna Abella, Hirst & Co
Deborah Awyzio, DA Family Lawyers
Hayley Cunningham, Family Law Group
Kirstie Day, Naughton McCarthy
Shannon Daykin, Daykin Family Law
Adrian Dore, Bell Dore
Kay Feeney, Feeney Family Law
Lisa Foley, DA Family Lawyers
Brett Hartley, Hartley Healy
Lisa Lahey, HopgoodGanim
James Naughton, Naughton McCarthy
Louise O’Reilly, O’Reilly Shaw Family Lawyers
Stephen Page, Page Provan
Rebecca Parry, Parry Coates Family Law
Mark Ryan, Ryan Kruger
Judy Stewart, Stewart Family Law
Tara Tosh, Michael Lynch Family Law
Justine Woods, Cooper Grace Ward