The 2025 listing of leading Australian In-House Employment & WHS Lawyers is proudly sponsored by Danny King Legal Employment Lawyers and details in-house counsel practising within the areas of Employment and Workplace Healthy & Safety matters in all Australian legal markets who have been identified by Australia’s employment & WHS lawyers working within private practice for their expertise and abilities in the area.
Zoe Adams-He, Amazon
Calum Cook, BUPA
Ebony Creek, ABC
Lauren Fysh, CBH Group
Liz Grey, IAG
Alana Heffernan, ETU
Fabiana James, Ventia
Kate Lehane, BHP
Rachel Lee, BHP
Andy Lynch, Downer
Kellie Manton, ANZ
Bronwyn Maynard, Transport for NSW
Matt McLean, Coles
Rhian O’Sullivan, Energy Queensland
Hayden Small, Telstra
Vanessa Swannie, NAB
Marcus Watson, Woolworths
Celia Yuen, Opal
Matt Zadow, Team Global Express