[acx_slideshow name=”SA MVA 2015″]
The 2015 listing of leading South Australian Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Lawyers details lawyers identified by South Australia’s defendant insurance solicitors for their expertise and abilities in the area. Due to legislative restrictions our usual method of ranking lawyers is not used in the area of personal injuries. Instead, individuals are listed in alphabetical order.
Gary Allison, Tindall Gask Bentley
Paul Alvaro, Paul Alvaro Lawyers
Patrick Boylen, Duncan Basheer Hannon
Tim Downie, Slater & Gordon
Christian Finocchio, C+F Lawyers
Michael King, Tindall Gask Bentley
Guy Maegraith, Moloney & Partners
Simon Newman, Newmans Lawyers
Peter Palios, Palios Meegan & Nicholson
Tony Rossi, Rossi Legal
Darren Russo, Scammell & Co
Marcia Waters, Tindall Gask Bentley