The 2023 listing of Leading New South Wales Non-Contentious Intellectual Property Lawyers details solicitors practising in portfolio managment, non-contentious intellectual property and commercialisation matters in the NSW legal market who were identified by clients and peers for their knowledge and expertise in the area.
Scott Bouvier, King & Wood Mallesons
Anita Cade, Ashurst
Justine Munsie, Addisons
Lisa Ritson, Ashurst
Peter Banki, Banki Haddock Fiora
John Fairbairn, MinterEllison
Sue Gilchrist, Herbert Smith Freehills
Patrick Gunning, King & Wood Mallesons
Kate Haddock, Banki Haddock Fiora
Rob McInnes, Rob McInnes IP Advisory
Cate Nagy, King & Wood Mallesons
Kristin Stammer, Herbert Smith Freehills
Tim Webb, Clayton Utz
Nick Abrahams, Norton Rose Fulbright
Philip Argy, Kepypoint Law
Rebekah Gay, Herbert Smith Freehills
Odette Gourley, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Eugenia Kolivos, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Lisa Lennon, Gilbert + Tobin
Lynne Lewis, Bird & Bird
Zeina Milicevic, MinterEllison
Ben Miller, Maddocks
Judith Miller, Wrays
Brett Oaten, Brett Oaten Solicitors
Katherine Sainty, Sainty Law
Donna Short, Addisons
Anny Slater, Slaters Intellectual Property Lawyers
Miriam Stiel, Allens
Mary Still, Clayton Utz