The 2023 listing of leading Canberra Property & Real Estate Lawyers details solicitors practising within the areas of transactional property and real estate matters in the Australian Capital Territory legal market who have been identified by clients and peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.
Market Leader
Alfonso del Rio, Clayton Utz
Edward Campbell, MinterEllison
Christine Murray, MV Law
Adam Peppinck, Mills Oakley
Chris Wheeler, King & Wood Mallesons
John Bradley, BAL Lawyers
John Chamberlain, Lexmerca Lawyers
Paul Crawford, Kind & Wood Mallesons
Paul Green, Lexmerca Lawyers
Ben Gulan, Mills Oakley
John Irvine, Trinity Law
Michael James, Trinity Law
Louise Morris, Morris Legal Group
Pria O’Sullivan, Maddocks
Susan Proctor, Proctor Legal
Archie Tsirimokos, MV Law