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The 2015 listing of leading Brisbane Workplace Compensation Lawyers details lawyers identified by Queensland’s defendant insurance solicitors for their expertise and abilities in the area. Due to legislative restrictions our usual method of ranking lawyers is not used in the area of personal injuries. Instead, individuals are listed in alphabetical order.
Linda Brangan, Hall Payne
George Cowan, Rees R & Sydney Jones
Conrad Freeman, Sciaccas Lawyers
Tim Galligan, Richardson & Lyons
Faran Gouldson, Gouldson Legal
Cameron Hall, Hall Payne
Rod Hodgson, Maurice Blackburn
Matthew Holmes, Murphy Schmidt
Vince Kartelo, Sciaccas Lawyers
Peter Koutsoukis, Maurice Blackburn
Wes Lerch, Queensland Compensation Lawyers
Chris McManus, McInnes Wilson Lawyers
Wayne McStay, Turner Freeman
Mark O’Connor, Bennett & Philp
Joanne Rennick, Murphy Schmidt