This listing details leading Senior Counsel and Junior Counsel practising within the area of planning and/or environment. It is compiled on the back of feedback...
The 2013 listing of leading Victorian planning and environment lawyers details lawyers practising within the areas of planning, environment and climate change matters in the...
The 2012 listing of leading Victorian planning and environment barristers details lawyers practising within the areas of planning, environment and climate change matters in the...
DibbsBarker has appointed respected planning and environment lawyer, Penny Murray, as a Partner. Penny will play a role in the firm’s Property, and Energy, Resources...
The 2012 WA Planning & Environment Pricing Report details market factors, trends and other matters relevant to the pricing of legal services as well as...
This section provides additional information in relation to firm and individuals capabilities as well as any general market trends and influences relating to the legal...
This listing details leading Western Australian based Senior Counsel and Junior Counsel practising within the areas of planning and/or environment matters. It is compiled on...
The 2012 listing of leading Western Australian planning and environment lawyers details lawyers practising within the areas of planning and environment matters in the Western...
This section provides additional information in relation to firm and individuals capabilities as well as any general market trends and influences relating to the legal...
As with other Australian states the South Australian planning and environment market remains competitive and, generally subject to lower hourly rates than other practice areas. ...