September 8, 2024
Doyle's Guide

Garry Winter, WRP Legal & Advisory

Garry Winter has a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, from the University of Adelaide and a Masters of Taxation from the University of New South Wales.

Garry commenced his career at Thomson Simmons & Co. as a Tax Lawyer in 1995.  He moved to Phillips Fox in 1997 and then onto Kelly & Co in 1999 where he became senior partner and headed up the firm’s taxation and superannuation group.  Garry was one of the founders of WRP Legal & Advisory.

Garry is also a Company Director and sits on many boards.  Garry was Chairman of Arid Recovery Ltd for nearly 5 years which is an environmental organisation that is a joint venture between BHP Billiton, University of Adelaide and the SA Department of Environment and Natural Resources.  Garry is currently Chair of the Adelaide Crows Children’s Foundation and has been a director for nearly 15 years.

Garry has extensive expertise in all aspects of taxation law including income tax, company tax, capital gains tax, stamp duties, indirect taxes, international tax and superannuation.

Garry provides advice on a comprehensive range of corporate and commercial issues to government and semi-government organisations, public companies, and small to medium enterprises.  He specialises in advising medium to large accounting firms, and their clients, on contracts, commercial transactions, taxation issues, superannuation, stamp duty, business structuring to achieve taxation minimisation, and asset and wealth protection.

Garry also advises on the corporate, taxation and stamp duty issues arising in capital raisings and corporate mergers and acquisitions.  Garry has advised on the taxation, GST and stamp duty issues in respect of complex structured finance deals for financiers and larger clients.  Garry acts for many high net worth individuals including some of Australia’s best sporting and media talent.


  • University of Adelaide – Bachelor of Economics – with Accounting Qualification
  • University of Adelaide – Bachelor of Laws
  • University of South Australia – Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
  • University of New South Wales – Masters of Taxation
  • AFL Players’ Association Accredited Agent
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Chartered Tax Adviser of The Tax Institute
  • Cricket Australia Accredited Agent
  • Director – W Sports and Media
  • Director – Litigation Lending Services Ltd
  • Chair – Adelaide Crows Foundation Ltd
  • Chair – Home Support Services Pty Ltd
08 8113 7750
Level 9, 182 Victoria Square,
Adelaide, SA 5000
Contact Email
South Australia

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