March 30, 2025
Doyle's Guide

Haroon R Hassan, List G Barristers

Haroon R Hassan, List G Barristers

Haroon is an experienced and highly effective advocate. He is often briefed to appear in superior courts and specialist tribunals in complex and high-profile litigation. His clients include publicly listed corporations, governments, statutory authorities as well as private companies and individuals. He is regularly briefed as counsel in royal commissions, statutory inquiries, compulsory examinations and regulatory investigations.

Royal Commissions and Inquiries

Recent matters in which he has been briefed include:

  • Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence 
  • Hotel Quarantine Inquiry  
  • Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements 
  • Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability 
  • Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System 
  • Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants  

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Haroon is a nationally accredited mediator and welcomes briefs to mediate disputes in his areas of practice.

Administrative, Public & Regulatory Law

He routinely acts for the Commonwealth, the State of Victoria, local government, public sector agencies, statutory authorities, corporate entities and individuals in matters at first instance, on review (both judicial and merits) as well as on appeal. He has also served as counsel assisting in a number of statutory inquiries. He has extensive experience acting for and advising public sector clients that exercise regulatory functions and powers.  He is regularly sought out to advise on statutory interpretation, privilege claims, governance and regulatory issues. 

His experience spans a broad range of fields including: aged care, building regulation, disciplinary proceedings, education, energy and resources, environment, freedom of information, firearms, health, liquor & gaming, pharmaceuticals, privacy & data protection as well as sports law.

Commercial Law

Haroon has appeared in significant commercial disputes before State and Federal courts and tribunals. This includes acting as counsel in disputes concerning high value contracts, shareholders rights, directors duties, restraints of trade, industrial disputes, copyright, breach of confidence, trade marks, domain names, data breach, privacy, information technology, energy law, competition and consumer law, corporate insolvency, tax and class actions.

Planning, Environment & Local Government Law

He welcomes briefs in planning, environmental, development and regulatory disputes (including regulatory prosecutions). He has experience acting in panel and advisory committee hearings in respect of major infrastructure developments and projects. 

Technology, Media & Telecommunications Law

Haroon routinely advises private and public sector clients on defamation, contempt, privacy, reputation management suppression and confidentiality orders and regulatory issues. He is often briefed in matters arising under the Open Courts Act 2013

He has acted for leading publishers, broadcasters and content producers (including the ABC, Fairfax, News Corporation, Nine, Screentime Australia and Seven). He has also appeared as counsel for ".auDA" (Australia's domain name regulator) in a number of disputes. Over the course of his career he has also acted on behalf of Oscar and Grammy award winning artists, elite athletes and other prominent individuals.

03 9225 8558
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