First Tier
Kennedy Partners
Lander & Rogers
Taussig Cherie Fildes
Second Tier
Clancy & Triado
Kenna Teasdale
Third Tier
Carew Counsel
Forte Family Law
Gadens Lawyers
Gillian Coote Family Law
Berger Kordos
Berry Family Law
CE Family Law
Hogg & Reid
Marshalls & Dent
Mills Oakley
Moores Legal
Nedovic & Co
Westminster Law
Please click the link below to view:
- Leading Victorian Family Lawyers
- Leading Victorian Family Law Firms
- Leading Victorian Family Law Barristers
The above listings represent the views of Doyle’s Guide in relation to the Victorian market’s best family lawyers, law firms and barristers. These views and opinions are based upon an extensive, Australian wide research process where we spoke to the majority of Australia’s leading family lawyers. Unlike other directories Doyle’s Guide does not receive any financial benefit or payment from the firms that are listed.
While you may gain benefit from using the above listings in choosing your family lawyer we would ask you not rely upon this list as the sole means of choosing your family lawyer and to make sure that you feel that your lawyer and their firm are a good “fit” for you.