Sharyn practices in criminal law. Her criminal practice extends from appearing in trials in the Supreme and District Courts, appellate matters in the Court of Criminal Appeal and hearings in the criminal jurisdiction of the Land and Environment Court. Sharyn practices predominately in New South Wales and the ACT.
Sharyn is best known for her advocacy in sexual assault matters. She has extensive experience in the questioning of both children and adults involving sensitive subject matter.
Sharyn has extensive experience in the Child Sexual Offence Evidence Program (CSEOP), having been involved in various capacities with that program since it's introduction in 2016. Sharyn has been involved in the training for all facets of the CSEOP in NSW and throughout Australia, including the training of Witness Intermediaries, the judiciary and lawyers.Â
Sharyn is an experienced advocacy instuctor, having taught advocacy for over 10 years. Sharyn is a Director and senior instructor with the Australian Advocacy Institute (AAI) and has taught advocacy with them around Australia and internationally. Sharyn is also a regular instructor and lecturer for the Australian Bar Assocaition's Advanced Trial Advocacy Intensive and the NSW Bar Practice Course.
Before coming to the Bar, Sharyn was a criminal solicitor with Legal Aid NSW and the Western Aboriginal Legal Service (WALS).