Marcia was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court in 2008 and the High Court of Australia in 2010. Marcia graduated from the University of New South Wales in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws, majoring in Politics and Internatio...
I am an accredÂitÂed FamÂiÂly Law SpeÂcialÂist by the Law SociÂety of New South Wales and a trained colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive lawyer. I have been workÂing as a FamÂiÂly Lawyer for over 24 years and also have extenÂsive expeÂriÂence in the areas of comÂmerÂci...
I am pasÂsionÂate about famÂiÂly law and I enjoy helpÂing my clients to resolve disÂputes so that they can move forÂward with their lives. I am accredÂitÂed by the Law SociÂety of NSW as a FamÂiÂly Law SpeÂcialÂist and have over 15 years expeÂriÂence...
I have over 28 years expeÂriÂence as a litÂiÂgaÂtor, with experÂtise in finanÂcial and parÂentÂing aspects of FamÂiÂly Law. I find that the best outÂcomes are achieved by workÂing in partÂnerÂship with my clients. I enjoy buildÂing relaÂtionÂships, o...
As an expeÂriÂenced famÂiÂly law pracÂtiÂtionÂer I have been pracÂticÂing as a solicÂiÂtor in famÂiÂly law for over 27 years. PriÂor to enterÂing pracÂtice I tutored and subÂseÂquentÂly lecÂtured in famÂiÂly law at SydÂney UniÂverÂsiÂty for nine year...
As an AccredÂitÂed SpeÂcialÂist in FamÂiÂly Law, with a MasÂter of Laws focusÂing on famÂiÂly law and relatÂed matÂters, I have the experÂtise to deal with all issues which arise from the breakÂdown of relaÂtionÂships. I am dedÂiÂcatÂed to proÂvidÂin...
HavÂing worked excluÂsiveÂly in the area of FamÂiÂly Law, I adopt a frank, pracÂtiÂcal and ​‘soluÂtion focused’ approach to my client’s FamÂiÂly Law matÂters to facilÂiÂtate a timeÂly and cost-effecÂtive resÂoÂluÂtion withÂout resortÂing to Court whe...
I am a NSW Law SociÂety AccredÂitÂed SpeÂcialÂist in FamÂiÂly Law, which is an area I have focused on since my admisÂsion as a SolicÂiÂtor in 2010. DurÂing that periÂod I have worked soleÂly on propÂerÂty setÂtleÂments and parÂentÂing disÂputes in ca...
Michelle is an Accredited Family Law Specialist with extensive experience in all aspects of Family Law, an area she has practised in exclusively since January 1996 when she joined Watts McCray. Her experience covers all aspects of family law includin...
370 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Justin Dowd has been a Director of Watts McCray for over 20 years and a solicitor for 40 years. He has a wealth of experience and expertise. Justin became an Accredited Specialist in Family Law in 1994. He is also accredited as an arbitrator and medi...
370 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000