Professional Skills > personal injury lawyer > workers compensation, WorkCover > transport accidents, TAC > public place slips and falls, Wrongs Act > Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) investigations, advice and insurance claims (pr...
Timothy Jackson knew from a very young age that he wanted to be a lawyer and the personal injury field is a perfect fit for him. As Tim’s grandparents immigrated from Italy, he knows firsthand how hard people work to provide for their families and t...
Anastasia practises in personal injuries and common law, including personal injuries class action matters. Anastasia regurlarly gives advice and appears in serious injury applications in the County Court of Victoria, multi-defendant damages proceedi...
Karina has a successful practice in personal injury law, medical negligence and historical sex abuse. For over a decade she has appeared in a wide range of matters in the Magistrates’ Court, County Court and Supreme Court. She accepts briefs to repre...
Megan specialises in personal injury matters. Megan accepts briefs for both plaintiffs and defendants, preparing paperwork and appearing in a wide variety of personal injury matters (in particular, WorkCover, TAC and public liability). She is experie...
Courtney accepts briefs in a broad range of practice areas across civil, commercial, regulatory and public law matters. Courtney regularly advises and appears in disputes involving administrative law, common law, consumer law, contracts, corporations...
Bianca was called to the private Bar in October 2022 after an established career both in the public and private sector. Her area of interest is predominately in health law including medical negligence, disciplinary proceedings / regulatory tribunal...
Senior Associate Lawyer and QLD and NT State Leader | Medical Negligence
Suzana specialises in workers compensation litigation, advising both registered and self-insured clients as well as RTWSA agents. Before joining KJK Legal, Suzana was a lawyer on the “other side of the fence” representing plaintiffs. She has practice...
Principal Lawyer - Workplace Relations FCW Lawyers (Adelaide) is a workplace law firm, specialising in workers compensation and employment law, acting for self-insured and registered employers.