Throughout her career, Townsville compensation lawyer Sarah Singh has provided knowledgeable legal advice to injured clients in Far North Queensland. She is also currently the president of the Townsville District Law Association. Sarah studied law an...
Belgian Gardens
QLD 4810
I am a Townsville local, having lived and worked in North QLD for my entire life. I am currently an Associate Lawyer for Slater and Gordon Townsville Lawyers. After studying law at James Cook University, where I completed a dual degree in law and bus...
Townsville, Queensland 4810
Sarah Singh has lived and worked in Far North QLD for her entire life. She is currently Associate Lawyer for Slater and Gordon in Cairns and Townsville. After studying law at James Cook University, Sarah completed a dual degree in law and business, m...
14 Spence St (Cnr Lake St)
Cairns 4870
Sarah is a Townsville based lawyer who has lived and worked in Far North Queensland for her entire life. Sarah completed a dual degree in business and law at James Cook University with a major in regional development and economics. Admitted as a soli...