The 2014 listing of leading NSW Litigation & Dispute Resolution lawyers details lawyers practising within the area of commercial litigation and disputes in the NSW...
The most frequent talking point across our research this year was unquestionably the arrival of US head-quarted employment specialist firm Seyfarth Shaw to Australian shores...
The 2014 listing of leading NSW based Employment & Workplace Relations lawyers details lawyers practising within the areas of employment, industrial relations and OH&S matters in the NSW legal market who...
First Tier Ashurst Minter Ellison Second Tier Baker & McKenzie Henry Davis York Herbert Smith Freehills Seyfarth Shaw Third Tier Allens Corrs Chambers Westgarth FCB...
Market Overview The past twelve months has been less than buoyant for the majority of the market’s planning and environment lawyers. An uncertain legislative environment...
The 2104 listing of leading NSW planning and environment barristers details leading New South Wales based Senior Counsel and Junior Counsel practising within the area...
The 2014 listing of leading NSW planning and environment lawyers contains lawyers who practise in both environment and planning matters. Some practitioners may focus their...
First Tier Ashurst Clayton Utz Second Tier Allens Baker & McKenzie Corrs Chambers Westgarth Henry Davis York Minter Ellison Third Tier Beatty Legal Herbert Smith...
First Tier Clayton Utz Corrs Chambers Westgarth Norton Rose Fulbright Second Tier Henry Davis York HWL Ebsworth Maddocks Lawyers Minter Ellison Third Tier Addisons Lawyers...