First Tier Allens Herbert Smith Freehills Minter Ellison Tucker & Cowen Second Tier Ashurst Clayton Utz James Conomos Lawyers Third Tier DibbsBarker Gadens HWL Ebsworth...
Market Overview Tough market conditions haven’t necessarily resulted in firm’s using price as a way to win work. Queensland’s insolvency legal market continues to display...
Overview Queensland’s planning lawyers continue to be remarkably good value when compared to other practice areas and even the state’s environment lawyers who previously feasted...
 Return to Normality After a number of years where a challenging property and economic environment saw some of Queensland’s traditionally stronger planning and environment practices...
First Tier Clayton Utz Second Tier Ashurst Bowie Law Corrs Chambers Westgarth Herbert Smith Freehills Third Tier Allens CBP Lawyers HopgoodGanim King & Wood Mallesons...
Market Leader Karen Trainor, Clayton Utz Preeminent Leanne Bowie, Bowie Law Henry Prokuda, Corrs Chambers Westgarth Leading Ian Briggs, Ashurst Stuart MacNaughton, McCullough Robertson John...
Senior Counsel Market Leader Daniel Gore QC – Level 11, Inns of Court Preeminent Christopher Hughes QC – Level 16, Quay Central Leading Graham Gibson...
Preeminent Michael Connor, Connor O’Meara Stuart MacNaughton, McCullough Robertson Henry Prokuda, Corrs Chambers Westgarth Ian Wright, CBP Lawyers Leading Russell Bowie, Minter Ellison Michael Leong,...