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The 2018 listing of Victorian Family Law Rising Stars details individuals practising across Family, Divorce, Parenting and Matrimonial matters within the Victorian legal market who, while not included in our Leading Family or Parenting Lawyer Rankings have been specifically noted as being a “Rising Star” within the aforementioned areas. Often these individuals, while still operating at an extremely high level of professionalism and ability, may well be more affordable than many of the individuals listed in our our Leading Family Lawyer rankings.
Therese Borger, Kennedy Partners
Tamara Cook, Lander & Rogers
Coralee Elsum, marshalls+dent+wilmoth
Natalie Fifield, Blackwood Family Lawyers
Kristy Fuge, Taussig Cherrie Fildes
Casey Ieraci, Coote Family Lawyers
Liz Kofoed, Lander & Rogers
Aaron Peppin, Kenna Teasdale Lawyers
Kylie Sanders, Taussig Cherrie Fildes
William Stidston, Barry.Nilsson.
Melanie Wilson, Clancy & Triado