The 2025 listing of leading Cleveland Family, Matrimonial & Divorce Lawyers details lawyers/attorneys practising within the areas of family, divorce and matrimonial law matters in the Greater Cleveland legal market who have been identified by their peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.
Amy Keating, Zashin Law
Carl Murway, Taft Law Firm
Andrew Zashin, Zashin Law
Greg Costabile, Buckley King
Craig Kvale, Kvale Antonelli & Raj
James Loeb, Baker Hostetler
Richard Rabb, McCarthy Lebit Crystal Liffman
Chris Reynolds, Zashin Law
Dominic Antonelli, Kvale Antonelli & Raj
Mary Biacsi, The Family Law Group
Nicole Bush, The Family Law Group
Sarah English, John J Ready & Associates
Anne Fantelli, Meyers Roman Friedberg & Lewis
Jill Helfman, Taft Law Firm
Pamela MacAdams, Morganstern MacAdams & DeVito
Joseph Nigh, The Nigh Law Group
Manu Raj, Kvale Antonelli & Raj
John Ramsey, Kohrman Jackson & Krantz
John Ready, John J Ready & Associates
Jennifer Singleton, Meyers Roman Friedberg & Lewis
Kyleigh Weinfurtner, Zashin Law