The 2025 listing of leading Singapore Family & Divorce Lawyers details solicitors practising within the areas of family, divorce and matrimonial law matters in the Singapore legal market who have been identified by their peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.
Ivan Cheong, Withers KhattarWong
Foo Siew Fong, Harry Elias Partnership
Carrie Gill, Harry Elias Partnership
Poonam Mirchandani, Mirchandani & Partners
Shu Mei Hoon, Drew & Napier
Wong Kai Yun, Chia Wong Chambers LLC
TL Yap, TL Yap Law Chambers
Ahmad Nizam Abbas, Crescent Law Chambers
Eugene Chan, Harry Elias Partnership
Ashok Chugani, Mirchandani & Partners
Gloria James Civetta, Gloria James Civetta & Co
Shaun Ho, Withers KhattarWong
Kee Lay Lian, Rajah & Tann
Randolph Khoo, Drew & Napier
Lim Chong Boon, PKWA Law Practice
Bernice Loo, Allen & Gledhill
Charlene Nah, PKWA Law Practice
Linda Ong, Engelin Teh Law Practice
Dorothy Tan, PKWA Law Practice
Tan Hui Qing, Harry Elias Partnership
Engelin Teh, Engelin Teh Law Practice
Thian Wen Yi, Harry Elias Partnership
Michelle Woodworth, Quahe Woo & Palmer
Clement Yap, Harry Elias Partnership
Raymond Yeo, Raymond Yeo & Associates