The 2024 listing of leading Los Angeles High Net Worth Family Lawyers details lawyers/attorneys practising within the areas of family, divorce and matrimonial law matters in the Los Angeles legal market who have been identified by their peers for their expertise and abilities in matters relating to high net worth families/individuals and the financial aspects of the marriage breakdown.
Ron Brot, Brot Gross & Fishbein
Bruce Cooperman, Wasser Cooperman & Mandles
Larry Ginsberg, Harris Ginsberg
Mark Gross, Brot Gross & Fishbein
Suzanne Harris, Harris Ginsberg
Neal Hersh, Hersh Mannis
Adam Lipsic, Hersh Mannis
Christopher Melcher, Walzer Melcher & Yoda
Lisa Meyer, Meyer Olson Lowy & Meyers
Steve Mindel, Feinberg Mindel Brandt Klein
Jeff Sturman, Sturman Law Group
Peter Walzer, Walzer Melcher & Yoda
Laura Wasser, Wasser Cooperman & Mandles
Scott Weston, Fox Rothschild
Steven Yoda, Walzer Melcher & Yoda