The 2020 listing of leading Queensland Defendant Medical Negligence & Malpractice Lawyers details solicitors practising within the areas of medical negligence and malpractice matters in the Queensland legal market who have been identified by the state’s plaintiff and defendant insurance lawyers for their expertise and abilities in the area.
Shane Evans, MinterEllison
Tracy Pickett, Avant
Selina Hunt, Avant
Carol Lee, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Anthony Henley, Moray & Agnew
Katharine Philp, HWL Ebsworth
Samantha Pillay, Barry.Nilsson.
Chris West, Avant
Hamish Broadbent, DWF
Daniel Davison, Meridian Lawyers
Penelope Eden, MinterEliison
Gabrielle Forbes, Ashurst
Michael Gapes, Carter Newell
Christine Houson, Moray & Agnew
Robert Samut, Barry.Nilsson.