Minter Ellison has announced that competition & regulatory specialist Matthew Knox has joined the firm in Perth as a partner.
Knox, who previously worked as a Partner at Corrs Chambers Westgarth, has a strong front and back end competition (merger clearance and restrictive trade practices) and regulatory (open access, electricity markets) practice, with an energy and resources focus.
He has advised State regulators and private clients on access arrangements for gas pipelines, railways, ports and the wholesale electricity market generally, and private sector clients on infrastructure, oil, mining and electricity projects.
Andrew Cunningham, Managing Partner of Minter Ellison’s Perth office, said he was looking forward to welcoming Mr Knox to the team in Perth. “Matthew’s appointment will be another step toward realising our strategy for our integrated Perth office, with its focus on energy & resources, infrastructure & project development, financial services and strategic inbound investment.
As a member of the Minters competition & regulatory team, Knox will work closely with partners including Paul Schoff, Katrina Groshinski, Geoff Carter, Justin Oliver, Richard Murphy and Russell Miller AM.
Knox holds a Bachelor of Laws with first class honours. He is currently the Treasurer of AMPLA (WA) and is a member of the Law Council of Australia Competition & Consumer Committee.