The 2013 NSW IP Pricing Report details market factors, trends and other matters relevant to the pricing of legal services as well as recorded and suggested pricing levels. It is compiled on the back of feedback from both solicitors practising within these areas and client referees.
While the below table is likely to give the impression of robust trend in hourly rates and pricing generally the following should be noted:
- Non-contentious IP work is becoming increasingly price sensitive. On the increasingly rare occasions where hourly rates are used these rates are at the sharpest point of our scale.
- While rates remain generally strong practitioners at all manner of firms are required to provide detailed and very regular updates on costings and matching to initial fee estimates that essentially amount to a stage based fixed cost model (including contentious matters).
Melbourne Family & Divorce Law Partner Pricing (Hourly Rates)
Hourly Rate Market Share
$300 - $350 2%
$350 - $400 3%
$400 - $450 4%
$450 - $500 18%
$500 - $550 20%
$550 - $600 26%
$600 - $650 16%
$650 - $700 6%
$700 - $750 0%
$750 - $800 2%