The below market overview was prepared for Doyle’s Guide by HopgoodGanim’s Michele Muscillo, Michelle Eastwell & Katherine Hammond. The more things change the more they...
When reviewing Transport’s year in 2015/2016, it is interesting to note that the volatility in this specialist legal area has not subsided since the last...
 Market Overview Western Australia’s property lawyers have been handed a mixed bag of market activity in recent times.  Retail generally and inner metropolitan residential projects...
Market Overview Despite a seemingly favourable economic environment for Queensland’s insolvency lawyers to reap rewards most are experiencing tough times and few can see any...
Market Overview Front end activity tends to be an upward driver of pricing forces in the construction legal market and the downturn in such activity...
Market Overview A significant tightening in the resources market has seen a large number of new projects either abandoned, shelved or down-scaled and any of...