Lindsay Taylor Lawyers is the leading specialist law firm working across the areas of planning, environment, local government and administrative law. We help public and private organisations affected by the complex state and commonwealth laws and reg...
Sydney, NSW 2000
In a career of more than 30 years, Lindsay has worked in the legal branch of the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure, at the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office, and as an in-house solicitor for 2 metropolitan Sydney Councils. He formed Lind...
Sydney, NSW 2000
Megan is a highly respected specialist planning, environment and local government lawyer with over 26 years’ specialist experience. Megan joined Lindsay Taylor Lawyers shortly after its inception after working in two of Australia’s top tier law firms...
Sydney, NSW 2000
Stuart is a prominent and highly regarded specialist planning, environment and local government lawyer, with 25 years’ post admission experience. During his career, Stuart has worked as a prosecutor for the Environment Protection Authority of NSW and...
Sydney, NSW 2000
Carlo is a highly regarded specialist environment, planning and administrative law lawyer, with over 20 years’ experience in government and the private sector. Carlo’s extensive experience includes advising and representing clients in matters relatin...
Sydney, NSW 2000
Sue is a highly regarded specialist planning, environment and local government lawyer, with over 20 years’ practice experience covering both the local government and private sectors. Sue spent a number of years as in-house Counsel and Director of Leg...
Sydney, NSW 2000
Hones Lawyers is a boutique legal firm based in North Sydney specialising in property, planning & local government law. Our team of lawyers includes NSW Law Society accredited specialists in Local Government & Planning Law as well as dual qua...
North Sydney 2060
Jason’s practical experience is backed by his specialised planning, environmental and local government experience and knowledge. He regularly appears in the Land & Environment Court and Court of Appeal on a diverse range of issues including Class...
North Sydney 2060
Gavin has spent over a decade developing broad experience in environment, planning, waste and administrative/local government law. Gavin has acted in planning matters for private developers, and local and state government authorities. This includes a...
North Sydney 2060
David is a highly respected local government, planning and environmental law specialist. In his career he has established some of Sydney’s most successful local government, planning and governance practices – evidenced by clients including several hi...
109 Pitt Street
Sydney, NSW 2000