Della is a founding partner of BBS Lawyers which commenced in January 2009. Della completed a Bachelor of Laws at Adelaide University in 1984. In 1985 and 1986 Della worked as a private practitioner in Darwin in the Northern Territory. She then worke...
King William Street
Adelaide SA 500
Sharon graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Laws in 1986. Following graduation, Sharon was employed by the Australian Taxation Office for a 2 year period under their Graduate Trainee Programme. Sharon undertook a Graduate Dipl...
King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Jane graduated from Flinders University in 2003 with a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice and in 2004 with a Bachelor of International Studies (Honours First Class) and was awarded a Dean’s Merit Award. Since 2004, Jane has practised exclusively in...
King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Greg is one of the five directors of the firm Howe Jenkin and is one of the most senior and prominent Adelaide family law practitioners with over 39 years experience. He was originally articled to, and subsequently in partnership with, the late Justi...
111 Gawler Place
Adelaide, SA 5000
David is a former senior partner and managing partner of one of Adelaide’s premier commercial law firms and has over 33 years experience as a family lawyer and commercial litigation law specialist. For the past 20 years he has also had a practice in...
111 Gawler Place
Adelaide, SA, 5000
Julie Redman commenced legal practice in 1978 and has specialised almost exclusively in Family Law. With over 40 years of practise in Family Law she is one of the most experienced family lawyers in South Australia. Julie has been ranked every year by...
Jill commenced practising law in 1986 and quickly developed an interest in Family Law. Since gaining admission she has been almost exclusively involved in the family law arena, either as a lawyer practising in the area or as a provider of continuing...
Adelaide SA 5000
Rosie began her legal career in 1975 when the Family Law Act first came into operation. She has seen many changes in Family Law over the years and has gained a wealth of experience in all aspects of family and de facto law and child support. Rosie fo...
Rose is an Accredited Specialist in family law (one of few only in SA). After having worked at a few of the most prominent family law firms in Adelaide for more than 15 years, Rose began Resolve Divorce as she recognised the devastating impact of div...
Adelaide SA 5000
Ryan is head of the family law department at Andersons Solicitors, and has worked in family law for over 14 years. He joined the firm in 2010 as a Senior Associate, and in 2012 he was promoted to Partner. Ryan is recommended as a ‘Leading Family and...
Adelaide, South Australia 5000